Whistler (Swainson’s Hawk)

Buteo swainsoni


http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/73/Juvenile_Swainson's_Hawk.jpgSwainson’s Hawks can have variable plumage, but all have a yellow patch at the base of their bills, yellow legs, and feet, and dark brown eyes. They prefer open country like fields, meadows, prairie and shelter belts (wild areas between agricultural fields). They hunt insects, snakes, birds, and small to medium http://ih1.redbubble.net/image.6211317.3756/flat,550x550,075,f.jpgrodents.  They migrate to Central and South America in large flocks catching thermals to gain altitude before gliding for long distances.  They will travel from 11,000-15,000 miles to South America.

Whistler was brought to us by Calif. Department of Fish and Wildlife in 2013 as a young bird.  They had confiscated it from someone who had clipped its flight and tail feathers.  It had been kept in a wire cage, so its beak was injured and bloodied.  It was mildly habituated.

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