Flint (Western Screech Owl )

Otus kennicottii


Image result for western screech owl factsThe Western Screech-Owl is 7 - 10 inches in length and has a squatty look. It has yellow eyes and may have gray or brown feathers with faint dark streaks on its lower body. Their feathers, like other owls, are soft and fluffy looking. The western screech owl also has ear tufts similar to those of a Great Horned Owl. Because of this similarity, people often mistake screech owls for baby Great Horned Owls.


Flint came to Critter Creek with a broken wing having been hit by a car.  He was calm the entire time he had his wing wrapped. Unfortunately, he struggles to maintain sustained flight for any distance, so he is unable to be released.  Over time, he has proven to be a good educational bird.


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