Billy (Bobcat)

Lynx rufus

Bobcats live in a variety of habitats like rocky hills with dense vegetation unlike the lynx which prefers dense forests.  Bobcats are usually found below 8,000 feet.  Bobcats are smaller than a lynx weighing only 15-35 pounds.  They enjoy hunting everything from rabbits, mice even insects.  Their shy, singular lifestyle makes them a rare sight in the wild.


Billy was found on the side of a highway just outside of Mariposa. After rushing him to the vet. he was able to regain consciousness.  He started eating and drinking and trying to move around a little.  After a week or so, it became apparent that he had difficulty with his left front leg. An X-ray showed that there was a bad separation between his paw and ankle severing the nerves to his paw, so he had no feeling in that paw. We hoped he would learn to adapt to the numbness, but the vet warned us that he might start chewing it.  Five days later, he was starting in on it. After much discussion, we had the vet amputate the leg above the elbow.  He is getting comfortable with people looking in on him and he definitely likes the free meals.


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